Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ok, so there are pros and cons...

About once a month I question the advantages of being female...But, then, every time our car stalls and my husband pushes it through four lanes of traffic, I realize being a girl does have its advantages...

Monday, August 30, 2010

For tech support...go online

So the modem at our house crashed the other day. Couldn't get on the internet at all...what do we hear over and over while on hold with tech support? "For tech support go to our website..." Is that like when they want you to put your email address in to sign up for an email address?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I teach my kid honesty...ok?

The other day my daughter was watching a movie in which the moral was, "stuff can't make you happy." Taking the learning oppurtunity, I said, "If you had a lot of toys, but no friends or family, would you be happy?" To which my daughter replied, "No. Toys don't make me happy. Family does...and shoe stores."

Shout out

This is a Shout Out to a certain friend of mine (you know who you are) who says I should write on this thing more than every six months. She's right! I make no promises, but I do renew my good intentions!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'm so going to have better things to do...

A friend of mine recieved a letter from her bank. It requested her signature to state that she agreed to notify her bank immediately upon her death. yeah.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ode to Mother's Day

I think every mother has that one first moment when she really realizes, "Hey, I'm a mom." It could be the first time that second little pink line shows up on a certain test, or the first time their little one says, "I love you." For me, I think it was when I was cleaning spit up out of my hair with a baby wipe. Regardless, it changes your life forever.
My daughter has taught me so many things in her (nearly) five years on earth. Here are a few:
*Any park with something to climb is as cool as Disneyland.
*Bugs have many useful traits, not the least of which is as a source of protein.
*All creatures deserve respect (even tasty bugs) including that big, barking, ferocious dog behind the fence - ("Hi, puppy!")
*Sometimes snuggling down to watch a Barbie movie is more important than folding socks.
*The world is full of beauty. ("Wow, mom! Look at that flower/dress/kitten/ladybug/leaf!")
*There's absolutely nothing wrong with going to get a donut at 1:30 in the afternoon when you passed by the shop and they smelled good. ("Why not, Mommy?")
*Life is full of fun when you get excited by the little things. ("Chicken nuggets?! This is like a dream come true!")
*Don't be afraid to pray. ("And, when you decide its time for mommy to have a baby in her tummy, please make it a girl, because I really want a girl.")
*Don't forget to remind the people you love that you love them ("I just need one more little hug.") and love them through the good and bad times. ("Mom, I love you even when you're mad at me.")

Friday, April 30, 2010


Wow, I haven't posted anything in a long time...well, that is about to change, I tell you!! That's right, I'll be posting more regularly from now on! Hopefully, this is not just a I-can't-sleep-and-it's-way-too-early-in-the-morning commitment, either. But...no guarantees.