My little sister is the queen of random. Hilarious when she wants to be. She is sitting across from me right now, working on a Strawberry Shortcake puzzle, unknowing that I shall be typing nearly every random word she is saying...
"16 candles...why do I keep singing that?"
"I don't have a boyfriend! I used to, but I don't....I have many."
"I'm not telling you who it is, though!" (Singsong voice)
"I am the hero of the world."
"You are the hero of the world, I am the hero of the country."
"Oh boy. I am so silly. I crack myself up."
"I love you, you are my favorite one to love...this boat." (Sesame Street reference)
"" (referring to a puzzle piece)
"I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it." (Singing)
"Why do I keep saying 'man' after every sentence?"
"ABCDEFGHIJKL..M..N..O..P..Q..R..S -Will you stop typing what I say?!"
Oh dear...she caught me...