Saturday, April 11, 2009

Things we never thought we'd say...Part 1

My friends, family, and I have an on going list of things we never thought we'd say...and then we became parents. You guys out there in blogland got any good ones?

1. Why are you licking my to do list?
2. Don't put the dinosaur down your dress.
3. Don't flush it yet.
4. Don't sit on your brother until after I am done changing him.
5. Don't chew on Daddy's feet.
6. Swiper, no swiping!
7. Get out of the microwave.
8. Don't lick me!
9. That was a big bite, give it back.
10. "Where's the computer, dear?" - "In the hamper."
11. Get out of the toilet!
12. Put it in your mouth, not on the floor.
13. Pick up all the butterflies and put them in the elephant before your sister eats them.
14. It's just a pea, you're not going to die, swallow it.
15. Ok, you can have Mud.
16. That celery has bolts in its neck.
17. Go poop in your potty and then call me.
18. Put down your toast and we'll have some ice cream.
19. Ugh! I don't want that up my nose!
20. Get the snake out of your mouth.
21. Eat the goldfish, dude.
22. Quit hiding from the TV.
23. Don't brush the door.
24. Don't run off with the bone.
25. Don't hit him with a spoon.
26. It's okay. She's eating her silverware.
27. You better eat them before they stop moving.
28. I think Belle is poopy.
29. Why are you chewing on the pliers?
30. Don't put your hands under your butt.
31. Don't eat the baby.
32. What's your toothbrush doing in your ear?
33. Don't put that in your pants.
34. Don't swing on the light fixtures.
35. Are you playing in the toilet in the poop?
36. Because I said so.
37. Can you hand me that arm?
38. When the Do-do's go extinct - it will be time for bed.

One last thought for this post - there are only two species on earth that sniff butts - dogs and parents.


  1. You made me laugh so hard I got hiccups!!!

    Here are a couple, "Hey honey, will you go grab the spatula from the baby's crib?"

    "Behave, or I'll call the dentist and cancel your appointment!"
