Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ode to Mother's Day

I think every mother has that one first moment when she really realizes, "Hey, I'm a mom." It could be the first time that second little pink line shows up on a certain test, or the first time their little one says, "I love you." For me, I think it was when I was cleaning spit up out of my hair with a baby wipe. Regardless, it changes your life forever.
My daughter has taught me so many things in her (nearly) five years on earth. Here are a few:
*Any park with something to climb is as cool as Disneyland.
*Bugs have many useful traits, not the least of which is as a source of protein.
*All creatures deserve respect (even tasty bugs) including that big, barking, ferocious dog behind the fence - ("Hi, puppy!")
*Sometimes snuggling down to watch a Barbie movie is more important than folding socks.
*The world is full of beauty. ("Wow, mom! Look at that flower/dress/kitten/ladybug/leaf!")
*There's absolutely nothing wrong with going to get a donut at 1:30 in the afternoon when you passed by the shop and they smelled good. ("Why not, Mommy?")
*Life is full of fun when you get excited by the little things. ("Chicken nuggets?! This is like a dream come true!")
*Don't be afraid to pray. ("And, when you decide its time for mommy to have a baby in her tummy, please make it a girl, because I really want a girl.")
*Don't forget to remind the people you love that you love them ("I just need one more little hug.") and love them through the good and bad times. ("Mom, I love you even when you're mad at me.")