Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ok, so there are pros and cons...

About once a month I question the advantages of being female...But, then, every time our car stalls and my husband pushes it through four lanes of traffic, I realize being a girl does have its advantages...

Monday, August 30, 2010

For tech support...go online

So the modem at our house crashed the other day. Couldn't get on the internet at all...what do we hear over and over while on hold with tech support? "For tech support go to our website..." Is that like when they want you to put your email address in to sign up for an email address?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I teach my kid honesty...ok?

The other day my daughter was watching a movie in which the moral was, "stuff can't make you happy." Taking the learning oppurtunity, I said, "If you had a lot of toys, but no friends or family, would you be happy?" To which my daughter replied, "No. Toys don't make me happy. Family does...and shoe stores."

Shout out

This is a Shout Out to a certain friend of mine (you know who you are) who says I should write on this thing more than every six months. She's right! I make no promises, but I do renew my good intentions!!