Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I love forwards that keep me on my toes. For example:

Fwd: A fun game

Hey everyone that's bored! Let's play a fun game! Type your name, birthday, your mother's maiden name, and social sercurity number and add them to this list. Send it to twenty people and BACK TO THE PERSON who sent it to you. Then we can see how much we all have in common! Won't that be fun? Oh, and don't forget to make a wish!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Some thoughts on Laundry

*I knew I was a mother when I went from having one load of light and one load of dark, to having one load of light, one load of dark, and three loads of pink...a day.

*When you have a cute little dress that's black velvet on top and white polyester on the bottom, how ever are you supossed to "wash with like colors"?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The thing we'd never thought we'd say of the day 2

"You can't help me with the laundry when you're half naked." Thanks, sis!

"Hey, that's MY fairy!" Thanks to Robyn (and her husband too)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

This has not been approved by the FDA...

Hey, I have a great idea for a new diet. You can eat whatever you want, anytime you want. You don't have to excercise, you don't have to change anything that you are doing right now. All you have to do is buy my patent pending flesh eating patch. Using the ancient secrets of the leech, you will loose 10 pounds a week! (Only for those seeking to loose ten pounds or more...)

I'm cured. Another post about commercials...

Okay, so I have another commercial for you...
Narrator: Do you have hang nails?
Show woman at party wearing gardening gloves, hiding her hands in embarrassment, turning away all the male models asking her to dance.
Narrator: Ask your doctor if Nailatronine is right for you.
Show many before and after shots of horribly hang-nailed fingers, then beautiful manicured ones (as close to the same skin tone as possible).
Narrator: Nailatronine works in a scientific way by lowing the amount of graphite in your blood and raising the amount of beautiful. People in Europe have been using this same system for years.
Show woman at party - glove free. Pulling the male models all over the dance floor, close up of beautiful hand with wedding ring as she now marries one of the models.
Narrator: (as we view the wedding) Side effects include nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, fatigue, stroke and heart attack, which in rare cases were fatal.

What we never thought we'd say part2

1. Honey, are you sitting on the beaver?
2. I don't like dinosaur tails in my head.
3. Because Mommies can't have poopy diapers.
More to come...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Huey the Human

It seems to me, besides a select few, that all animal characters in children's stories and TV shows were all named on the same criteria. Sammy the Snake, Octo the Octopus, Iggy the Igauna. I'm sure glad that the same rules don't apply to people. Then we'd all be named Huey the Human, or Polly the Person.

Friday, May 29, 2009

I was never such a liar before I became a mother

Mom translations:

"It's broken." = "I took the batteries out because I couldn't stand 'the itsy bitsy spider' one more time."

"It must be lost." = "You outgrew that princess dress two years ago."

"I don't know where it is." = "I don't know where it is. It could be in any number of land fills by now."

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So, today I get a regular ol' notice from my health insurance. Slipped in with the invoice is this note: "Can you read this letter? If not, we can have somebody help you read it."

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What's up, Doc?

I am really glad that some people want to be doctors. I am even more glad that some people are really good at it. But there are some questions I get asked at doctor's offices that you'd think someone with a medical degree could answer by themselves.

So, I'm sitting in the waiting room, red eyes, sneezing all over the person next to me (who now has whatever I do), looking like a zombie, and talking like a got a nose full of marbles. The nurse comes and escorts me to my room, but not before asking me the same question the doctor will when she walks into the room, "How are you, today?"

Then I get to step on a scale. You know, the one that says your 20 pounds more over weight than you should be, and ten pounds more over weight than your scale at home said you were, while the nurse hovers over your taking down the numbers and asking, "How tall are you, again?" I step down from the scale and sit down in a room next to the secure trash can for bio hazard and the one for sharp pointed objects, and the purple glove dispenser to get my blood pressure checked. When the numbers come up, the doctor wants to know, "Your blood pressure is kind of high. Are you nervous about something?"

I also don't know why the make the nurses ask the same questions the doctor is going to come in and ask you again. I see her write down my answers, (at least I think that's what she's writing) and the doctor has the same clipboard when she comes into the room, but she asks me the questions again anyway.
"No, I'm still not allergic to any medications."
"No, I haven't thrown up since the nurse left."
"No, I haven't taken up smoking in the last ten minutes." Though I might be able to see why'd they'd have to ask that!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Joke of the Day

A Joke courtesy of my cousin: "What's the difference between broccoli and boogers?" "Kids won't eat broccoli."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 do you flip a pancake again?

I love commercials for little gadgets that will make my life easier. (I know I'm contradicting my profile, but these commercials are darn funny!) Here is one of my own:

Narrator: Going to get your mail is such a hassle.
Woman walks out of house carrying her brief case, car keys, cell phone, purse, and filing cabinet. While walking down the two steps from her porch she trips and everything lands on the ground. She shakes her head in frustration, climbs over her pile of things she needs with her to check the mail, scraping her foot in the process, and finally makes it to the mail box. When she gets there, the door is stuck and she has to yank on it three or four time to get it to open. When she finally does get it open the mail (consisting of three packages, a newspaper, various envelopes, and a filing cabinent) flies out onto the ground. The envelopes start blowing away, while the woman's dog (who just entered the picture) starts eating one of the packages. As she chases after her mail we hear:
Narrator: Don't let this ever happen to you again! Get MAILTOME!
Unfrazzeled women standing at mailbox with a box that has two hair cilps attached to the side with yarn. Women attaches clips to the side of the mailbox and pulls. Mail falls into box.
Narrator: With MAILTOME, you will never have trouble getting the mail again. Say goodbye to flying mail. Only $19.95! plus 10.95 shipping and handling. Act now and you will recieve, not one but two MAILTOMEs. As a special offer, call in the next ten minutes and you will get this sturdy three inch flashlight for those late night mail runs. Call now!

What do you guys think?
*Disclaimer* MAILTOME is not a real product. I just made it up. But if anyone makes it after this and gets rich, I'll be pretty put out. But I may buy one for those really windy days.*

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Things we never thought we'd say...Part 1

My friends, family, and I have an on going list of things we never thought we'd say...and then we became parents. You guys out there in blogland got any good ones?

1. Why are you licking my to do list?
2. Don't put the dinosaur down your dress.
3. Don't flush it yet.
4. Don't sit on your brother until after I am done changing him.
5. Don't chew on Daddy's feet.
6. Swiper, no swiping!
7. Get out of the microwave.
8. Don't lick me!
9. That was a big bite, give it back.
10. "Where's the computer, dear?" - "In the hamper."
11. Get out of the toilet!
12. Put it in your mouth, not on the floor.
13. Pick up all the butterflies and put them in the elephant before your sister eats them.
14. It's just a pea, you're not going to die, swallow it.
15. Ok, you can have Mud.
16. That celery has bolts in its neck.
17. Go poop in your potty and then call me.
18. Put down your toast and we'll have some ice cream.
19. Ugh! I don't want that up my nose!
20. Get the snake out of your mouth.
21. Eat the goldfish, dude.
22. Quit hiding from the TV.
23. Don't brush the door.
24. Don't run off with the bone.
25. Don't hit him with a spoon.
26. It's okay. She's eating her silverware.
27. You better eat them before they stop moving.
28. I think Belle is poopy.
29. Why are you chewing on the pliers?
30. Don't put your hands under your butt.
31. Don't eat the baby.
32. What's your toothbrush doing in your ear?
33. Don't put that in your pants.
34. Don't swing on the light fixtures.
35. Are you playing in the toilet in the poop?
36. Because I said so.
37. Can you hand me that arm?
38. When the Do-do's go extinct - it will be time for bed.

One last thought for this post - there are only two species on earth that sniff butts - dogs and parents.


I was looking through some of my old writing, and found this from a couple years ago. It still applies.

We all know a two year old's favorite word is, "why?" I think that they might have something there and I have a few why's of my own.

Why did it take less time for my daughter to go from conception to eating solids than its taking me to put pictures in her baby book?

Why does having an adorable baby (or a pregnant stomach) give people in the grocery store permission to touch it?

Why do kids have a sixth sense for when their moms (or dads) are almost relaxed.

Why did I get a nice crib, bumper, sheets and crib toys when my daughter refuses to sleep in her own bed for more than three hours straight?

Why do teeny tiny baby clothes cost as much as big fat Mama clothes?

Why am I typing this when I have a pile of laundry and dishes to do?

Friday, April 10, 2009

And your confirmation number is...

Hey, don't you love paying bills over the phone? Isn't it so much more convenient and easy? For those of you who are still using old fashion envelopes that you have to address, stamp, and stick in the mail all by yourself, read on to see how easy it is to do by phone:

"Okay...let's see got my bill, my wallet, ok...dial the number...1-800-TakeMyMoney..."
Thank you for calling Take My Money. For English press 11.
"Okay 11"
I think you pressed 11, if that is correct press 2.
"Okay 2"
Welcome to Take My Money. What would you like to do? You can say, "Make a Payment..."
"Make a Payment"
I think you said, "Cancel my policy" if this is correct press 1 if not press 2.
What would you like to do? You can say, "Make a Payment..."
"Make a Pay-Ment."
I didn't quite catch that. What would you like to do -
"I'll tell you what I'd like to do"
I didn't quite catch that please try your call again later. -Computer hangs up on person-
"Okay, try this again, bill, wallet, number...1-800-TakeMyMoney..."
Thank you for calling Take My Money. For English Press 11.
I think you pressed 11, if that is correct, press 2.
Welcome to Take My Money. What would you like to do? You can say, "Make a Payment..."
To make a payment, you will need your credit card number, the number on the top left side of you second to last bill, your mother's madien name, and your shoe size. Please enter or say the number of the credit card you will be using.
The number you entered is: "12345678" if that is correct press 1, if not, press 2.
I think you entered '1' if that is correct, press 1, if not, press 2.
At the sound of the tone, state your name to verify credit card payment, because nobody who stole your credit card, could possibly read your name off of it for the computer. *TONE*
"Jane Doe"
You said, "Jane Doe" if you didn't accidentally say the wrong name for your own again press 1, if you did press 2 and see a doctor.
Thank you for your payment of 2.50. Your confirmation number is 12438573523784468362.4
To repeat this information press 1. If not what you would you like to do? You can say -"
Thank you for calling. Good-bye.

See how simple? Why would anyone ever use a stamp?

Pregnancy MemorieS

So, when I first got married, I thought people hit the top on the stupid questions. "Hey, how's married life?" Wait, shouldn't they know? Or, if they don't know, what do they expect me to say? "It stinks! Never do it!" But I was wrong about that question, it doesn't even make the top ten after you are pregnant and have your first child.
There are two types of answers to these types of questions. The one you say and the one you want to say.
"Are you sure you're not having twins?" Real answer: "Yes." Wish answer: "Are you sure you don't want to eat my fist?"

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" Real answer: "As long as we have a healthy baby, we'll be happy." Wish answer: "Yes."

After the baby is born you get these ones:
"When are you having another?" Seriously, this question is like asking a person who just climbed Mt. Everest, "Hey, how are the view from the top? When are you going to do it again?" Not the time to ask.

"Is she a good baby?" Real answer: "Oh, sure." Wish answer: "Well, she brings home all kinds of strange boys, keeps sneaking out past cerfew and we can't stand her music, but other than that..."

My favorite was when I had my new daughter in her new pink frilly dress..."Oh how cute! Boy or girl?" Real answer: "Girl." Wish answer: "Oh, I always dress my boys like this."

This one isn't really a question, but I love it anyway. When our daughter was first born, people used to tell my husband and I, "Oh she's so cute! Good job!" I really said my wish answer most of the time on this one, "Thanks we spent weeks just picking out her eye color!"

Life is funny!

Hey, everybody! Life is funny, seriously. And I'm not the only one who thinks so - because it took me a long time to find a blog name that wasn't taken about life being funny. Sometimes life seems more like a tragedy than a comedy, but that's when I think I need the laughs the most. So not to sound too much ado about is funny.